Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Working mom-preneur?

The Question:
Sophie--I have my own small business and a 3 year old. I constantly wonder if I will ever be successful at either one let alone both. Do you have any suggestions on how to manage either more effectively?

from Laura

The Answer:
Play work. Teamwork. So she can do privacy. [Anything else?] I was telling you a joke. Come on, Mommy.

3 comments: said...

Sophie - Thank You - Can you clarify the "playwork teamwork" portion of your message?

Unknown said...

Hi Sophie. Sometimes I have a hard time falling asleep. Do you have any suggestions of great ways to fall asleep quickly and stay asleep? Thanks.

katieg said...

Hi Sophie. I was wondering if you had any tricks or tips for getting kids to eat their dinner? i made yummy pizza and salad tonight and they still wouldn't finish all of their dinner. They don't even eat all of their breakfast - and I put rainbow sprinkles on their oatmeal.