Saturday, October 24, 2009


Today Sophie told me two jokes.

Joke 1
Why did the banana go to the bathroom?
Because he was sick.

Joke 2
Why did the tree turnn back into a seed.
Because he had to get the donkey that was on the ground.


Friday, December 19, 2008

Not enough time

The Question
Sophie--I am constantly running around like a crazy woman and I never seem to have enough time. Any time management tips for me?

The Answer
1. Get a little rest.
2. Drink hot cocoa.
3. Go outside.
4. Have a sleepover.
5. Eat cookies and drink milk.
6. Hold your buddy.
7. Play with your sister.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Trouble Sleeping

The Question:
Hi Sophie. Sometimes I have a hard time falling asleep. Do you have any suggestions of great ways to fall asleep quickly and stay asleep? Thanks.

From Michael

The Answer:
Close your eyes...or someone will bite you. [Anything else?] A snack! [What snack?] Raisins.

Play work vs. Team work

The Question:
Sophie - Thank You - Can you clarify the "playwork teamwork" portion of your message?

The Answer:
You put them together and they play. [Anything else?] Wolly wolly wolly polly. Ha ha ha.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Working mom-preneur?

The Question:
Sophie--I have my own small business and a 3 year old. I constantly wonder if I will ever be successful at either one let alone both. Do you have any suggestions on how to manage either more effectively?

from Laura

The Answer:
Play work. Teamwork. So she can do privacy. [Anything else?] I was telling you a joke. Come on, Mommy.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sophie's stress reduction tips

The Question:
Hi Sophie,
My son is teething and I'm looking for daycares to send him to before I go back to work in the new year. This is all making me a bit stressed out. Do you have any suggestions to help me relax?

The Answer:
Let the baby grow and he can play playdough and he can ride on my surfer board. And then he can eat Cheetos.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Lost and Profound

Here is a thought that Sophie shared with us yesterday:

"Skeletons match vanilla ice cream."

And today, she came out of her bedroom looking like this:

Bunny Astronaut was born.